Linux cheat sheet: terminal commands for beginners

The terminal and text commands are the primary way to manage a Linux operating system, especially for a server. And although the word "terminal" scares newcomers, believe us, it's much more straightforward. Today we have prepared a cheat sheet with basic commands for you - bookmark it and increase your…

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Securing Files & Directories using ACLs in Linux

Our top priority is to secure and protect data from unauthorized access. We are all aware of the permissions we set using some handy Linux commands like chmod, chown & chgrp. However, these default permissions sets have some limitations and at times do not work to meet our requirements. For…

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Mitigate attacks with iptables, fail2ban and ipset

In this short article, we will describe useful steps to prevent attacks and other malicious attempts like DDOS attacks and various Nmap scans. Assuming we do the configuration on a Debian-based system. First of all, we need to install the necessary tools apt-get install ipset iptables-persistent fail2ban Let's start adding…

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